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  • Category: Websites
  • Type: Program overview with study-level pages
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Benefits of clinical trial websites

  • Participant Recruitment: Clinical trial websites facilitate the recruitment of participants for research studies. By making trial information easily accessible, potential participants can learn about opportunities to contribute to medical advancements.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Individuals considering participation in a clinical trial can use these websites to gather comprehensive information about the study, its potential risks and benefits, and any alternatives. This allows participants to make well-informed decisions about their involvement.
  • Geographic Accessibility: Clinical trial websites enable individuals to search for trials by geographic location, making it easier for participants to find studies in their vicinity. This is particularly important for those who may have limited mobility or other constraints.
  • Cost-Effective Outreach: Clinical trial websites provide a cost-effective means for researchers to reach a broad audience of potential participants, reducing the need for traditional recruitment methods, such as printed materials and in-person outreach.